Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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EU Sustainable Energy Week and Energy Award 2019

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) for 2019 “Shaping Europe Energy Future” will take place in Brussels from 18th to 20th June 2019. The highlight of the EU Sustainable Energy Week is the annual Policy Conference, featuring leading figures and a diverse programme of sessions and side events aimed at discussing and shaping Europe's energy future and debating new policy developments, best practices and sustainable energy ideas.

SVIM, as Lead Partner of Life Sec Adapt and Empowering projects, has applied to the Conference in order to present a session titled “Shared visions and integrated planning for a carbon neutral future in the Covenant of Mayors framework”.  The session, still under evaluation, will give the chance to transfer the experience gained about planning a sustainable and energy efficient future and to provide recommendations resulting from Multi-level Governance (ML) processes in 15 EU countries. Indeed, the main objective is to encourage the audience to think beyond the 2030 climate and energy targets, considering that for the EU carbon neutrality target for 2050 to be achieved, long term planning and activities in place are needed well in advance. In order to facilitate the debate among the audience, 4 EU funded projects will introduce their concepts, approaches and experiences: EMPOWERING and LIFE SEC ADAPT will present the 2030 framework, while C-Trac50 and Pentahelix projects will focus on to the long-term 2050 approach.

Moreover, a further Application has been submitted by SVIM in order to present the main results achieved within Life SEC Adapt and EMPOWERING projects within the Energy Award 2019, taking place in Brussels within the EUSEW. Nominees/finalists will be chosen from a shortlist of the year’s most successful projects and awarded by an expert jury and European citizens.

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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