Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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Monitoring Tool

LIFE SEC ADAPT’s Monitoring Tool, developed by Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), is freely ready to be used by project partners and other administration that are willing to monitor their own Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), their Local Adaptation Plans and finally their Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP), both in terms of progress and effectiveness.

The tool has been set up based on testing activities implemented by the Italian and Croatian municipalities involved within the LIFE SEC ADAPT project, but it can be customized based of the local needs of the user administrations.
In order to better support local policy and decision makers, SVIM organized a specific training session (Ancona, 11 July 2019) in order to clearly show the functioning of the tool.

The tool is provided with User Manual (ITA/ENG/HRV lang).
Access to the Monitoring tool.
The video tutorial of the Monitoring tool (ITA language) is available here.

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
The document reflects only the author’s view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains..
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