Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
  • Urbino
  • Ancona
  • Jesi
  • Macerata
  • Rovinj

Project Objectives

Life Sec Adapt project aims to contribute to increase the climate resilience capacity and facilitate the shift towards low-carbon and resource-efficient economies of the European urban areas.

Mitigation efforts are necessary to create the sustainable condition to enable local authorities to adapt to climate change and the adhesion and active participation to the new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (that currently includes Mayor Adapt initiative) and integrate climatic objectives into local policies and practice.

Life SEC Adapt also aims to adopt and upgrade the model of the Sustainable Energy Communities – SEC in supporting the improvement of climate governance, as a best practice for the development of virtuous climate change adaptation process in local authorities under the coordination of regional authorities and development agencies at regional level.

Specific project objectives are:

-Increase awareness of local and regional decision makers on the importance and the urgency to adopt climate change adaptation strategies to limit or avoid further natural, social and economic costs, by developing a capacity building process for 20 municipalities in the involved regions and Member States (Italy, Croatia, Greece, Spain) implemented through the exchange of best practice and lessons learnt by more experienced EU municipalities;

-Contribute to reduce the knowledge gap of local and regional administrators on vulnerabilities and risks of the territories, thus allowing the development of effective climate change adaptation strategies and plans to prevent and react to extreme climate events in short term and reduce social, economic and environmental impacts in the long term;

Sign and adopt climate change adaptation strategies and plans by the 17 municipalities beneficiaries in the framework of the new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (that currently includes Mayor Adapt initiative), through the integration of existing sustainable energy plans (SEAPs);

-Setting up and testing of the Energy and Climate Monitoring System (SEC_Adapt monitoring tool) to constantly verify the progress of mitigation and adaptation actions and reorient the climate and energy strategy objectives by the municipalities involved, also as a tool to support the monitoring phases within the Mayor Adapt and Covenant of Mayors initiatives;

Facilitate the adoption of climate adaptation and mitigation policies and actions at crossborder level drawing a joint policy recommendation paper for a territorial-coherent implementation of the climate and energy strategies;

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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