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Municipality of Senigallia

General Informations

Position and climate
Senigallia is a town in Marche Region in the centre of Italy bathed by the Adriatic sea. With around 45.000 inhabitants is the most populated city after Ancona, the state capital. Senigallia is also surrounded by a stunning and colourful countryside hosting some of the most historical famous villages in Italy. The Mediterranean climate makes the city cold in winter with temperatures around 5 degrees in January and sweltering in summer.

History and culture
Senigallia name recalls the ancient origins of the city, which the tradition says was founded by the mythical Brenno, a gallic chieftain. It was the first Roman colony in the Adriatic sea. After going through many times of fortune and profound decline. It experienced a big rebirth during the 15 century when the Lord Sigismondo Malatesta decided to strengthen this territory. Another important family that governed the area was Della Rovere, who administered the town for many years. Their dominion influenced he population with its novelty that can be admired still today in many beautiful monuments. Another important character of the Senigallia history is Pope Pius IX. He was famous because of two reasons: the last Papal King in the history and the longest reigning Pope. If you are around the town, don’t lose the opportunity to visit his residence within the Mastai Ferretti Building.

The economy of Senigallia is mostly based on the touristic sector related to the seaside resorts and the small-medium enterprises on manufactures.

Senigallia is one of the most famous Adriatic seaside in the centre of Italy. It has also been repeatedly declared Blue Flag thanks to the clean bathing areas and the care that our Municipality takes of the tourists and the environment. The main events attracting thousands of people from all over the world are Summer Jamboree Festival occurring normally the first week of August where all the city go back to 50’s American lifestyle and RAI’s CaterRaduno consisting on a radio event that brings in Senigallia many popular singer, speakers and journalists. Senigallia beaches are not the only attraction for tourists but also the countryside fascinates a lot of foreigners that after  their holidays decide to come back and spend more time here just to take a rest from the stressing daily life. Senigallia is also an historical and cultural centre able to attract tourist of every age.


Via Manni n.7  
Tel. 071 7922725
e-mail:  iat.senigallia@regione.marche.it  

INFOCITTA' (Infopoint)  
Via Manni n.7
Tel. 071 6629328
e-mail: infosenigallia@comune.senigallia.an.it

ASSOCIAZIONE ALBERGHI E TURISMO (Accomodation and Tourism Association)
Tel. 071 65343
e-mail:  info@assalbesenigallia.it - info@senigalliahotels.com  
web: www.senigalliahotels.com

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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