Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
  • Urbino
  • Ancona
  • Jesi
  • Macerata
  • Rovinj

Municipality of Rovinj

General Informations

Position and climate

The City of Rovinj-Rovigno, situated on the western side of the Istrian peninsula, is the second biggest city of the Istria Region. It counts 14.294 citizens and covers a total area of 80 square kilometers.

Rovinj territory has a Mediterranean climate and the average annual temperature is 16 °C. The average temperature in January is 4.8 °C and in July 22.3 °C.

History and culture

Rovinj was already a settlement of Illyrian tribes before being captured by the Romans, who called it Arupinium or Mons Rubineus, and later Ruginium and Ruvinium. Built on an island close to the coast, it was connected with the mainland in 1763 by filling in the channel.

It became part of the Byzantine empire, then in the sixth century part of the Exarchate of Ravenna and in 788 part of the Frankish empire. Then it came under the rule of different feudal lords for several centuries. From 1209 it was ruled by the Aquileian patriarch.

From 1283 to 1797 Rovinj was one of the most important towns of Istria under the Republic of Venice. The city was fortified by two rows of walls with three town gates. The remaining town walls date from this period. Close to the pier one can find the old town gate Balbi's Arch, dating from 1680, and a late-Renaissance clock tower.

After the fall of Venice and the Napoleonic interlude, Rovinj was part of the Austrian Empire until World War I. Then it belonged to Italy from 1918 to 1947, when it was ceded to SR Croatia within SFR Yugoslavia.

Today the old town is located on the former island, which was surrounded by walls. Rovinj had seven gates, three of whom survived to the present day. The limited space led to the construction of narrow houses, streets and small town squares. It is because of these distinctive characteristics of the old town was declared a cultural monument. The largest monument in the church of Sts. Euphemia, a baroque building in Venetian style.


The economic development of Rovinj is determined by natural predispositions, market conditions, technological progress and by the level of infrastructure development. In the Rovinj area population derives income by doing a series of activities in which the prevailing tourism, manufacturing industry, construction and agriculture. Professional, scientific and technical activities also have a significant proportion of revenues.

These activities make the synergy of economic development of Rovinj, and represent the driving force to fostering the development of creative industries.

Tourism and manifestation

Rovinj area is rich of natural and cultural heritage and is one of the most visited tourist destinations of the Adriatic.

In 2015., the Tourist Association of Rovinj-Rovigno achieved a total of 522,994 arrivals and 3,266,872 overnight stays, which ranks the City as the first touristic place in Croatia.

The most significant annual events held in Rovinj are:

  • Rovinj Photodays – photo exhibition

  • Croatian Summer Salsa Festival,

  • Rovinj Jazz Festival,

  • BaRoMus - Baroque Music Festival,

  • Sete Sois Sete Luas – music festival,

  • Traditional Fisherman's evening,

  • Grisia and exhibitions of the local Heritage Museum,

  • St. Lawrence's Night,

  • Rovinj Night - entertainment event,

  • Argentine Tango Festival,

  • The Istrian Riviera - tennis Tournament,

  • Popolana - sports, recreational, entertainment and humanitarian event

  • Sailing regatta Chioggia-Rovinj-Chioggia,

  • Regatta Umag-Rovinj-Pula,

  • Valentine's Day in Rovinj,

  • "Histria Classic" - International oldtimer rally,

  • White Lion - underwater film and photo festival,

  • Communication Days - national marketing communications festival,

  • Etnofilm Festival,

  • Artexchange - Istrian art fair,

  • Weekend media Festival,

  • Rovinj Wine Festival,

  • Rovinj Spring Jazz – music concerts,

  • Antonja – traditional wine and oil exhibition,

  • Museum's night - exhibitions

Activity in the project

The City Rovinj-Rovigno, as partner in the Life SEC Adapt project, will contribute to the main project objective in order to increase the climate resilience capacity and facilitate the shift towards low-carbon and resource-efficient economies of the European union areas.

In order to achieve the objectives of the project the City of Rovinj-Rovigno, together with the project partners, will take the following steps:

  • set up a climate change adaptation team,

  • subscribe to the Mayor Adapt initiative,

  • derive the risk and vulnerability assessment analysis,

  • draft and adapt through municipal council decision of the municipal climate adaption strategy (integrating the SEAP actions approved),

  • participate in setting up and testing of the climate and energy data monitoring system,

  • follow the overall project activities

The City of Rovinj-Rovigno will strive for energy sustainable development, based on the principles of energy efficiency, sustainable construction and renewable energy in order to create better and more sustainable living conditions for their citizens.


Tourist contact:

Tourist Board of Rovinj-Rovigno
Obala Pina Budicina 12
52210 Rovinj
Phone: ++385/52/811-566, ++385/52/813-469
Fax: ++385/52/816-007
E-mail: tzgrovinj@tzgrovinj.hr


Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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