Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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Municipality of Pula

General Informations

  • Position and climate

The city has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and warm summers with average insolation 2,316 hours per year , or 6 , 3 hours a day , with an average annual temperature of 13.2 ° C ( average 6.1 ° C in February to 26.4 ° C in July and August ) and the temperature oscillations of sea 7-26 ° C.

  • History and culture

The history of Pula starts before about 3000 years ago when on the Kastel (Castle) hill, was created a first settlement, fort of Histrians. From then, until today Pula has been exchanged many rulers. Through most of its history, Pula has experienced numerous peaks and lows that lasted until the mid 20th century when it began an uninterrupted continuous development. Pula has many historical monuments from ancient times such as the Amphitheater, town gates and temples. Also, Pula has many Austro-Hungarian fortresses from the 19th century, because at that time Pula was the most important military port.

  • Economy

The city of Pula is the most developed economic center of Istria County. The economic development began with the shipbuilding industry , today well-known on the world shipbuilding market (Uljanik d.d.,Tehnomont brodogradilište d.d.). Today production activities in Pula are diverse , from cement production ( Calucem Inc.) ,glass production ( Duran dd ) to the food industry ( Puljanka - Brionka Ltd. ). The construction services are also developed, but one of the most important ecomomic branch is tourism.

  • Tourism

In the context of Istrian and Croatian tourist industry the city of Pula is one of the most interesting tourist towns. Favorable geographical position, turbulent history and rich cultural and historical monuments made ​​Pula one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the eastern part of the Adriatic. Today the city has the modern basis for receiving and hosting local and foreign guests: ten hotels, two campsites, several tourist apartment complexes, many private apartments and two marinas.


Tourist contacts

Tourism Office Pula, Forum 3, 52100 Pula. Istria
tel. +385 52 219 197, fax +385 52 211 855
tz-pula@pu.t-com.hr, web site: http://www.pulainfo.hr/en

European projects contacts

City of Pula
City Office,
Section for information, international cooperation and European
Forum 1, 52100 Pula
tel:++385 052/371-714
fax: ++385 052/222- 990

Contact person: Kristina Fedel Timovski

Contacts for the City Sec Adapt project:

Gabrijela Lovrić Cukon
Tel: ++385 052 371-806
e-mail: grabrijela.lovriccukon@pula.hr 

Lorena Dropulić
Tel: ++385 052 371-828
e-mail: lorena.dropulic@pula.hr


Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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