Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
  • Urbino
  • Ancona
  • Jesi
  • Macerata
  • Rovinj

Municipality of Jesi

General Informations

The city of Jesi is situated in the Marche Region, in the centre of Italy. It lies between the sea and the mountain in a surface area of  107,73 sq km with 40.500 inhabitants. It is an important industrial and artistic center in the floodplain on the left (north) bank of the Esino river 17 kilometres before its mouth on the Adriatic Sea. Noble and laborious, proud and industrious, ancient and modern. These are all adjectives that can be used to describe Jesi - a town that is as proud of its past, its history, its traditions, and its culture, as it is of its people and hospitality. Its most beautiful works are carefully and preciously preserved.. UNESCO (1969) indicated Jesi as a ‘model town’ due to the constant presence of the Roman ‘castrum’ in the town structure. In fact, it was a colony of veterans that brought the town into being, back in the III century BC at Municipium di Aesis on the left bank of the river Esino. Legend, on the other hand, has it that its original ancestors were the Pelasgi who had migrated westward from Thessaly (X century BC) and named the early settlement Esio after their king. A visit to the well-preserved old town centre is much like stepping back in time to the Mediaeval period of the proud Free Commune, with the narrow lanes and alleyways, the flights of steps partially hidden in the shadows, the small piazzas, the churches and stately palaces, and the Palazzo della Signoria (architecturally one of the most beautiful of its kind in Italy). The one and a half kilometre long old town wall surrounding Jesi, offers picturesque views with various shaped corner keeps, the town gates and the path along the ramparts, parts of which are still walkable. Jesi is the entrance to the Vallesina, and the historical legacy that links the two has seen it preside over the castle-hamlets, and gathers. But in this land of ours, Art also manifests itself in that succulent nectar, straw yellow in color, known as the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi. So, have a bit of a rest, take your time and enjoy a glass or two as you discover delectable specialties made from traditional recipes offered by the local restaurants, pubs and cafés. The wealth of art, architecture, culture, events, food and wine, all contribute to making it one of the most attractive show cases on the regional tourist scene.

Activity in the project

Jesi is  Member of the  Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) of Marche Region and it is an Associated beneficiary in the Life Sec ADAPT Project in order to increase local climate resilience and prevent and adapt to climate change impacts integrating climate objectives into local policies and practices through the adhesion to the ‘Mayors Adapt’ initiative.
The main activities are:
- Setting up of an internal Climate Change Adaptation Team;
- Definition of the climate baseline at municipal level and future scenarios;
- Joining the Mayor Adapt initiative (upgrading the membership of the Covenant of Mayor signed on July, 2012).
- Risk and vulnerability assessment analysis;
- Adoption of local climate adaptation strategy and plans through SEAP integration;
- Setting up and testing of a climate energy data monitoring system;
- Monitoring of impacts


Tourist Office
Piazza della Repubblica 60035 Jesi (AN) Italy
Tel. +39 0731 538 420
Fax +39 0731 538 512
e-mail: turismo@comune.jesi.an.it
web site:

Contacts for European project:
Dott. Ing. Barbara Calcagni
Ufficio Ambiente e Politiche Energetiche ambiente@comune.jesi.an.it

Gallery (photo credit G. Filippini)

Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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