Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
  • Urbino
  • Ancona
  • Jesi
  • Macerata
  • Rovinj

Municipality of Ancona

General Informations

The city of Ancona is located on the northern Adriatic coast of Italy and it is the capital city of the Marche Region. Its essence is inevitably linked to the Adriatic Sea. Ancona's port is one of the most ancient and important in the maritime region for passengers, freight and fishing.

The town stands on an elbow shaped promontory, which protects the natural harbour. The Greeks of Syracuse, who founded the city in 387 BC, noticed the shape of this promontory and for this reason called the new city Ἀγκών which in Greek means elbow. Due to its Greek origin, Ancona is also known as "the Doric city". After the Doric period the city became an important Roman colony given its sheltered harbour and geographical location. In the Middle Ages, as an independent city, Ancona even rivaled Venice for the control of the Adriatic basin.

The climatic characteristics of the Marche region are influenced by eastern exposure towards the Adriatic, which exerts a slightly mitigating action against inflows of relatively cold air masses from the north and east, and western exposures to the Apennines, which hinder the progress of the mostly temperate and humid western currents that are predominant at our latitude.  Ancona area is characterized by a humid maritime climate with rainfall distributed throughout the year, with the average being about 830 mm.

The city has 101.258 inhabitants within a territory of 124,84 squared km. The population has been relatively static for the last fifty years. Ancona lies in Medium Adriatic Metropolitan Area that includes  414,000 inhabitants. The city is complex, dynamic and lively from cultural and economic point of view, although at the present time it has to face changes and threats in the social, economic and environmental sectors just like many other Italian and European cities.

Ancona is characterized by an industrial fabric made up of on the one hand shipbuilding, chemical, mechanical and pharmaceutical large enterprises and, on the other hand, small dynamic companies that are recently focusing more and more on services, trade and tourism. Moreover, thanks to the mild and typically Northern Mediterranean climate, Ancona excels in different agricultural sectors.

Ancona lies on a fragile territory: it has suffered a number of natural disasters in recent times, notably a major earthquake in 1972 and a huge landslide in 1982. The latter affected 11% of the urban area of the city and it has resulted in large sections of the area being placed under a complex monitoring and alert system.

On the other hand Ancona boasts a remarkable cultural heritage together with many beautiful natural and landscape sites. It hosts an important University, a Natural Park, theatres, museums, and art galleries, cultural and economic institutions. It has its own national/international airport; the main railway station is connected to regional and long distance fast trains; the maritime connections embrace entire Adriatic and Ionian basin (Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey), including cruise tourism.

With regard to the international context, the city is increasing its political relevance in the Adriatic and Ionian area so that it has been chosen as the seat of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative, the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities, the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce and the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Universities.

Activity in the project

LIFE SEC ADAPT project is based on and aims at capitalising the activities realised within the LIFE ACT project 2007-2013 conceived and leaded by the Municipality of Ancona. Ancona will then share, all along the project life, the knowledge and experience gained through LIFE ACT project and actively participate to all activities in order to further improve knowledge and capacities in the field of climate and energy policies and practices. In particular the City, besides the basic project advancement activities, will be responsible for:

  • sharing LIFE ACT stakeholders and targets involvement methodology;
  • act as expert municipality together with Bullas and Patras;
  • giving a key contribution to all capacities building activities based on previous project experience, also through the organisation of a capacity building event;
  • transferring previous experiences on local public climate policies to project partners;
  • contributing to the creation of a common base of knowledge and understanding on climate change;
  • actively contributing to the communication of project steps ans results;
  • contributing to the definition of an energy and climate monitoring system, drafting a technical factsheet on the related features to share and finalise with the support of the other partners;
  • contributing to the definition of a climate, environmental and energy monitoring set of indicators;
  • contributing to the creation of the climate and energy monitoring system open source application.


Department for the Urban Planning

Claudio Centanni - claudio.centanni@comune.ancona.it

Carlo Amedeo Paladini - carloamedeo.paladini@comune.ancona.it

Department for the Environment

Roberto Panariello - roberto.panariello@comune.ancona.it

Department for the European Programmes

Daniela Ghiandoni - daniela.ghiandoni@comune.ancona.it

Francesco Buoncompagni - francesco.buoncompagni@comune.ancona.it

Sanja Vukorep - sanja.vukorep@comune.ancona.it


Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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