Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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Municipality of Poreč

General Informations


Poreč is located at 45.2258 degrees north latitude and 13.593 degrees east longitude. It lies at an altitude of 29 meters.

The Town, almost two thousand years old, is located in the harbor and protected from the sea by the island of Sveti Nikola. Majority of the approximately 17.000 inhabitants, lives in the suburbs. Poreč municipality has a total population of about 20,000.

The climate is extremely mild, free of oppressive summer heat. August is the hottest month with an average of 30 ° C and low humidity, while January is the coldest, with an average of 5 ° C. The town has more than 3850 hours of sunshine a year, with an average of more than 10 hours of sun on a Summer's day. The temperature of the sea can reach 28 ° C, which is higher than the temperature in southern Croatia.

Average annual precipitation of 920 mm is evenly distributed throughout the year. Most common winds in Poreč are ''bura'' which blows from the north and brings cold and sunny weather during Winter, ''jugo'' which blows from the south and brings rain, and Summer's breeze called ''maestral'' that blows from the sea to the mainland.


Poreč developed on a small symmetrical peninsula long before the arrival of the Histrians, an Illyrian tribe.  Today the centre of the old town is located on this small peninsula.  With the arrival of the Histrians the area surrounding the present-day town was settled.

A harbour, naturally protected by the island of Sveti Nikola enabled the developement of the harbour center which became a Roman settlement during the 1st century.

The silhouette of the town is visible in the geometrically symmetrical placement of the streets.  With the main streets Cardo Maximus and Decumanus as well as the centrally located Forum,the Town of Poreč - Parenzo has preserved this appearance up to date.

The Euphrasian Basilica was built in the 6th century, during the period of Bishop Euphrasius. It is an episcopal complex, which, apart the basilica itself, includes a sacristy, a baptistery and the bell tower of the nearby archbishop's palace and is one of the best examples of early Byzantine architecture in the Mediterranean region. Since 1998 it has been an UNESCO protected site.

The whole old town centre is a living cultural monument. In numerous records and literature Poreč is called City of mosaics thanks to the culture founded by the Euphrasiana, a basilica in whose diocese the museum of church art and archaeological remains of earlier churches are housed.


Throughout the history of the area, until the arrival of tourism, people made their living from farming and fishing. Therefore Poreč has no significant industry except the food industry. Today, the main source of income is from tourism. The growing sectors are those of commerce, banking and communications.


Due to its extraordinary geographical position, is one of the biggest tourist destinations in Croatia. The town offers over 100.000 beds, more than 30 hotels, 15 campings and numerous private appartments. The Town of Poreč – Parenzo stands out as a perfect example of gardening and cleanness, rich touristical offers and numerous sport and other manifestations.

Activity in the project

Our local authority role in the Life project and therefore activities that will be carried out are:

  • Reducing CO2 (and possibly other greenhouse gas) emissions on our territory by at least 40% by 2030, namely through improved energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy sources;

  • Increasing our resilience by adapting to the impacts of climate change.

In order to translate these commitments into action, our local authority undertakes to fulfill the following step-by-step approach:

  • Carry out a Baseline Emissions Inventory and a Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment;

  • Submit the New Integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

  • Submit a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

  • Report progress at least every second year following the submission of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for evaluation, monitoring and verification purposes.


Tourist contact:

Tourist Board Poreč
Zagrebačka 9
52440 Poreč

E-mail: info@to-porec.com
Phone: +385 (0) 52 451 293
Fax: 00385 (0) 52 451 665

Contacts for European project:

Gordana Lalić,
Parentium doo,
Pionirska 1,
52440 Poreč, Istria

E-mail: gordana.lalic@porec.hr

Anita Prgomet,
Grad Poreč - Parenzo,
Obala Maršala Tita 5/1,
52440 Poreč, Istria

E-mail: anita.prgomet@porec.hr


Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
The document reflects only the author’s view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains..
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