Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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Municipality of Offida

General Informations

Offida is situated in the middle of the hilly landscape that runs between two rivers, the Tronto and the Tesino, far about 15 km from the sea and at an altitude of 293 meters above sea level. The municipal territory is 49,22 square kilometres with a total of 5.300 inhabitants. The climate is temperate and intermediate between the sublittoral and the mediterranean, the average annual temperature is about 13-14°C, while the average annual precipitation is between 700 and 800 mm and the snowy days are averagely 3-6 by year. Offida has ancient origins, is founded by the people of the Pelasgi, it was inhabited first by the Piceni and, later on, by the Romans and the Longobards. The period of its greatest splendour was during the Middle Ages and it became a free city in the 13th century. It was the scene of internal battles between the Boldrini (Ghibellines) and the Baroncelli (Guelphs), which only terminated in 1533. From the 16th century to 1860, Offida was under the sovereignty of the Church then, together with other cities, it rose up against the Papal State and was included in the province of Ascoli Piceno in 1861.

Offida is defined as “city of art and taste” because of it is characterized by a perfect combination of historical and artistic heritage, traditions and food, with the best typical products and high-quality wines. It is well known not only for the Bobbin Lace (Merletto a Tombolo), that is the local artistic handicraft pride, but also for the historical carnival, which originated in the 16th century.

The main economic activities are related to agriculture, in particular to wine production. There is a level of label DOCG called “Offida” for three different type of wine: Offida Pecorino, Offida Passerina and Offida Rosso. The only one Regional Wine Information Centre (Enoteca Regionale delle Marche) is located at Offida in the impressive halls of the former monastery of St. Frances, there are hundreds of the best regional products from different wineries, with the possibility of tasting and buying.

The historical centre of Offida is enclosed within the medieval City Walls (Mura Castellane - 12th c.). Monument of great historical and architectural importance is the Town Hall, dates back to 11-12th century, inside of which is the Golden Snake Theater. The most important monument of Offida is represented by the romanica and ghotic church of Santa Maria della Rocca

Official web site: http://www.comune.offida.ap.it/

Tourist contact: http://www.turismoffida.com/

Activity in the project

Offida Municipality has subscribed the “Covenant of Mayor” initiative, being member of the Sustainable Energy Community (SEC), that led the city administration to draft and present the P.A.E.S. ( Piano d’Azione per l’Energia Sostenibile).

According to this community the Offida municipality was involved in the LIFE Sec Adapt project. It will participate in the implementation actions of the project, in the monitoring of impact of the project actions, in the communication and dissemination of results and as well in the management and monitoring of the project progress.

A technical panel will be organized to involve local public and private stakeholders in the technical and planning activities of the project both as active or passive members. Public meeting will be performed to disseminate the aims and the results of the project to the citizens.

Given the importance that landscape and agriculture play in the local economic and social fabric the analysis of the climate change effects will be focused on these aspects.


Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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