Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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Municipality of Fermo

General Informations

The City of Fermo with its 37.783 inhabitants is the county seat of the Province of Fermo (177.578 inhabitants), one of the five provinces of Marche Region. While the center is located on the top of an hill (319 mamsl) the city territory extend itself to the Adriatic Cost (about 7 km of coast) and to commercial and industrial area. City reflects features of warm Mediterranean climate, here below the average temperature per each months considering the years from 2007 to 2015 (Source http://www.meteofermo.com)


























Fermo has a recognized cultural heritage staring from Roman and Mediaeval Walls to the unique Roman cisterns, hydraulic engineering example of 1st century, a relevant University, Artistic, Handicraft tradition and several tourism facilities. These various aspects have facilitated a mixed economy focused on tertiary – services sector (administrative and institutional offices, retail and tourism), industry and agriculture.

In particular, the territory of Fermo could count on an important industrial district for the manufacturing of shoes and fashion accessories, characterized by a strong entrepreneurial vocation (12,8 enterprises over 100 inhabitants 2013 - the highest level in the Region). Shoes district represents the 63% of the active enterprises, having a turnover of 2 billion of € (data 2013).

Moreover territory also offers a great variety of quality food production (wine, oil, fruits, etc...) and a wide number of typical products, which also contribute to increase and differentiate tourism.

Touristic information could be found on the Tourism Department webpage of the City website at the following link http://cst.comune.fermo.it/default.aspx?menuid=1880. Request could be done to info.turismo@comune.fermo.it

Activity in the project

Municipality of Fermo has joined the Covenant of Mayors in 2011 through the participation to the European project “CITY_SEC”, financed by Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Programme and coordinated by the Regional Development Agency, SVIM. In the CITY_SEC project, 6 Sustainable Energy Communities in 6 Countries were created and the Municipality of Fermo is part of the Sustainable Energy Community of Marche in Italy. The project was the base of the development of the Fermo SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) officially presented on February 2013 and detailing for the City strategy, actions and interventions in the field of sustainable energy. By participating to the Life SEC Adapt project, Fermo will have the opportunity to participate to the updating and upgrading of the Marche Region SEC in supporting the improvement of climate governance and develop a virtuous climate change adaptation process at local level. Fermo will set up a Climate Adaptation change team to develop project activities at local level, mainly:

-Definition of the Fermo Climate baseline and contribution to the long term climate change scenarios (2050) on the basis of the shared methodology;

-Participation to capacity building and best practice exchange activities;

-the definition of vulnerability and risk assessment analysis;
-the definition of Climate Change Adaptation strategies and plans and integration of SEAP actions;
-Contribution to the setting up of climate and energy monitoring indicators and to the testing of the developed monitoring tool;

Further,the Municipality will be responsible for local stakeholders’ involvement and for the dissemination of the project at local level and contribute to project dissemination activities.


EU funds Department

Gianni Della Casa – Head of Department


Environment Department

Alessandro Paccapelo – Head of Department



Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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