Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
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Municipality of Buzet

General Informations

Position and climate

Buzet is a town in the interior part of the Istrian peninsula, located in a large valley of the Mirna river, surrounded by hills. The town with his district, called Buzeština, covers an area of 165 km2 with 6133 inhabitants. The area includes a height difference that varies between 10 and 1000 meters above sea level. The height difference has influence on climate, in the valley persist a Mediterranean while in the mountainous part continental climate. It has a good road connection, being in the middle of three large urban and industrial centers like Trieste, Koper and Rijeka.

History and culture

It has been inhabited since prehistoric era, in ancient times was an autonomous peregrine community (Pinguentum). During centuries new population joined, depending on the circumstances they have repopulated the area several times. The fall of Roman Empire caused drastic changes in the style of life. The population that lived in valley was obliged to take refuge on hills, creating the first fortified town. In the 1420 became part of Venetian Republic, which in 1511 transferred the headquarters of the Captain of Raspo, military governor exercising judicial and executive power on Venetian Istria. The fortified town undergone a significant transformation; town walls have been renewed and reinforced, towers, monumental gates and buildings. From that period date the Large gate, Small gate, the church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, st. George church, the well square and the Bigatto palace. Among the historical events relevant to the territory must be considered the construction of the railway during the Austrian, and the Aqueduct during the period of the Kingdom of Italy.


After centuries of agricultural activity predominance, in the last decades Buzet became an entrepreneurial and industrial center which gravitates the population of neighboring places. The development of industry was favored with the opening of metal, timber and plastic industry factories. Nonetheless, agriculture has still an important role. In the last few years there was made a lot for valorization of traditional products like vine, olive oil and honey. Buzet is known like the city of truffles because it is located in an area where this precious underground mushroom grows.

Tourism and manifestation

Due to its geographical position and untouched nature, Buzet territory is suitable for tourism based on active holidays and recreation. The landscape is full of hiking trails enriched by cliffs equipped for climbing, scenic spots from which you can enjoy the view of castles and small villages on the hills, bordered by woods.

The major event of this place is ‘’Subotina’’, held the first weekend in September. It is known for the giant omelet with truffles, the historical exhibition in the old town and sports activities among which the most important is the auto race.

Activity in the project

Our local authority role in the Life project and therefor activities that will be carried out is:

  • Reducing CO2 (and possibly other greenhouse gas) emissions on our territory by at least 40% by 2030, namely through improved energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy sources;

  • Increasing our resilience by adapting to the impacts of climate change.

In order to translate these commitments into action, our local authority undertakes to fulfil the following step-by-step approach:

  • Carry out a Baseline Emissions Inventory and a Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability Assessment;

  • Submit the New Integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

  • Submit a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

  • Report progress at least every second year following the submission of the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for evaluation, monitoring and verification purposes.


Tourist contact:

Šetalište Vladimira Gortana 9
Buzet, Istria 52420


Phone: 00385 (0) 52 662 343
Fax: 00385 (0) 52 662 343

Contacts for European project:

Iris Jakac,
Grad Buzet,
II. istarske brigade 11,
52420 Buzet, Istria

E-mail: iris.jakac@buzet.hr

Phone number: 091/272 5082

Matija Nežić,
Grad Buzet,
II. istarske brigade 11,
52420 Buzet, Istria

E-mail: matija.nezic@buzet.hr

Phone number: 091/514 1409


Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
The document reflects only the author’s view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains..
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