Upgrading sustainable energy communities in mayor adapt initiative by planning climate change adaptation strategies
  • Urbino
  • Ancona
  • Jesi
  • Macerata
  • Rovinj

LIFE SEC ADAPT's Partners and the new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

One specific Life SEC Adapt proposal's objective was to guide 17 municipalities beneficiaries to Sign and adopt climate change adaptation strategies and plans in the framework of the “Mayor Adapt” initiative, through the integration of their existing sustainable energy plans (SEAPs) achieved with the Covenant of Mayors initiative.

After a consultation process launched by the European Commission and the Covenant of Mayors Office, with the support of the European Committee of the Regions, 97% called for a new target beyond 2020 and 80% called for a longer-term target. The majority also endorsed the 2030 objectives for a minimum 40% CO2/GHG reduction and supported the integration of mitigation and adaptation to climate change under a common umbrella.
From the end of 2015  the Covenant of Mayors and the Mayors Adapt  initiatives merged under the new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, adopting the EU 2030 objectives and an integrated approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Life SEC Adapt Partners decided to update their commitments and to subscribe to the new integrated Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy .

Istrian Municipalities of Buzet, Labin, Pazin, Poreč, Pula and Rovinj signed the new Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy the 5th of July 2016. More informations, in croatian language, can be found at this link.



Life Sec Adapt - With the contribution of the Life Programme of the European Union.
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